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  • Resiliency Conference: Motivating, Engaging, & Supporting Students in Today’s World

Resiliency Conference: Motivating, Engaging, & Supporting Students in Today’s World

  • 10 Feb 2021
  • 7:30 AM
  • 11 Feb 2021
  • 4:00 PM
  • Online


  • Non-WySCA Members sign up here. Includes PTSB and CEU credits as well as access to the sessions for a 1 year period.
  • If you are presenting and will be attending the conference
  • Students & Retired WySCA members
  • Must have registration code. Thursday only. CEU and PTSB credits not available.
  • WYSCA & WAO Board Members register here. You must have a the code to register.
  • $60 for Conference + $30 for membership renewal
  • Includes PTBS and CEU Credit as well as access to the sessions for 1 year.
  • $80 for Conference + $30 for membership

WySCA and WAO Partner Together to Bring you the 2021 WySCA and PEAK Professional Development Conference

Resiliency Conference

Motivating, Engaging, & Supporting Students in Today’s World

Wednesday February 10th  8:45 am-4:00pm
Thursday February 11th  8:00am-4:00pm
* See schedule details for the WySCA and WAO portions of this conference

Where: Virtual Platform

Wednesday Keynote Speaker Kathleen Ellison, MA, MS, PSC, NCC


Katie is the Project Director for the Safer Homes Collaborative at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.  The Safer Homes Collaborative brings together the gun-owning community and suicide prevention community to promote lethal means reduction strategies to prevent the tragedy of suicide.  Katie has a Bachelor’s Degree in Family and Human Development, a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and a second Master’s Degree in Professional School Counseling.  Katie likes to joke that she is a recovering probation officer, after transitioning to work further upstream in community and school prevention and intervention program development; ranging from juvenile delinquency & substance misuse to suicide.  She holds several certifications in the field of Suicidology. Katie uses her personal journey with mental health challenges, a suicide attempt, hospitalizations, a multitude of therapists, and her experience as a mother to inform and inspire others to prevent the tragedy of suicide.  To that end, she created the training Suicide Lifeguard in partnership with the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, to train medical and behavioral health professionals in advanced skills to recognize, respond, manage and treat patients who struggle with suicide.  Recently, Katie shared part of her personal and professional story about suicide on the podcast Last Day.

Griffith, Karen
Thursday Keynote Speaker Karen Griffith, Ph.D., LPC*
Building Resiliency in Students *Sponsored by Gear Up

Karen Griffith, Ph.D., LPC, is a Professional School Counselor, retired, with 35 years in public education and eight years as a faculty member in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services at the University of Georgia. She has authored three books and served as lead author for the ASCA National Model Implementation Guide for the American School Counseling Association.   

Dr. Griffith has been an active member of the Georgia School Counselor Association and the American School Counseling Association. She was recognized at the state level as Counselor of the Year and Writer of the Year and was among the finalists for ASCA’s School Counselor of the Year. She currently serves ASCA as a Lead RAMP Team Captain and Certified ASCA Trainer.  As of 2020, she has been in 23 states delivering trainings and workshops. 

Wednesday February 10, 2021 


Schedule At a Glance 

8:30-8:55 am

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

8:55-9:00 am

Welcome & Opening Remarks - WySCA Co-Presidents, Amy Mason, MA & Kara Miller, MA

Breakout Sessions

9:00-9:45 am

DWS Apprenticeship/Internship Grants

Sharon Geissler, BS - Workforce Development Training Fund Program Lead

Lukas Cramer, MPP - Apprenticeship State Expansion Program

Mandatory Supporters; Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect across Wyoming

Sara Serelson, MS & Nicole Neider, BS

A New Tool to Help Wyoming Youth Succeed

Beth Young, MS

Ethics and Distance School Counseling

Amanda DeDiego, PhD & Ffion Davies

Middle School Counseling Groups: The Power of Connection

Carolyn Normington, MS, LPC, NCC, NBforPTS in Counseling

9:45-10:00 am

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

10:00-10:45 am

Truly Holding Onto the Silver Linings of the COVID Crisis

Joel Stanton, BA

It's Possible: RAMPing as a Solitary Counselor

Scharen Collingwood, MS

Current Roles & Future Opportunities in Wyoming School Counseling

Lindsey Nichols, PhD, LCPC (MT), NCC & Paul Maddox, PhD & Colby Clinton Gull, EdD

When Sticker Charts Don't Work

Koral Hueller, MSW, LCSW, ACSW & Cassandra Vincelett, MSW, LCSW, ACSW, RYT

From ACES to Resilience

Wendy Gautner, MS & Monika Yount, MSED

11:00 am-12:00 pm

Building Suicide Resistant Schools I: Building Resiliency from Tragedy

Katie Ellison, MS, MAC, NCC  

Keynote sponsored by Wyoming Children’s Justice Program 

Breakout Sessions

12:00-12:45 pm

Programs of Study and You!

Dr. Michelle Aldrich, PhD

Mandatory Supporters; Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Across Wyoming

Sara Serelson MS & Nicole Neider BS

Healthy Relationship Education Initiative: Preparing students to be READY4Life!

Jackie Parker, BA & Kelsey Giroux, MA

Building Suicide Resistant Schools II: Best Practices for a Comprehensive, System-wide Approach.

Katie Ellison, MS, MAC, NCC

Keynote sponsored by Wyoming Children’s Justice Program

12:45-1:00 pm 

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

1:00-1:45 pm

Stars are Born out of Space Tornadoes

Debra Hibbard, BS

The Jason Flatt Act Amendment: The Push to Provide Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training to all Wyoming Students Grades 6-12

Dan Cossaboon, MA, Doctor of Psychology

Hathaway Scholarship Program

Bradley Barker, BA & Madison Lacey, BS 

Design a Lesson Like a Boss

Lindsey Lundvall, MS

WY Home Matters: Building Family & Community Resilience

Cari Cuffney, MS, Jacqueline Herb & Kelly Merritt

1:45-2:00 pm

Exhibit Hall- Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

2:00-2:45 pm

PTSB School Counselor Licensing Q&A

Brendan O'Connor, MA & Nish Goicolea, PhD Education

Teaming Up with your School Psych

Brittany Marlow, MS & Jessie Jensen, EdS

Overcoming Barriers and Reaping Benefits in Clinical School Counselor Supervision

Suzanne Scott, MACC, LPC, NBCT

Promoting Resiliency Through Play-Based and Expressive Techniques within a Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Paul Maddox II, PhD, EdS, MA & Lindsey Salisbury LPC, RPT, NCC

Navigating the Mental Health Continuum of Care

Dr. Caroline Fenkel, LCSW, PhD & Laura Sebulsky, MS, MBSR

2:45-3:00 pm

Exhibit Hall- Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

3:00-4:00 pm

WYSCA Business Meeting

4:00-4:30 pm

Exhibit Hall- Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

7:00 pm

Movie Night! Join us for Indieflix Upstanders

Sponsored by Hathaway

Thursday February 11th, 2021


At A Glance Schedule

7:30-7:50 am

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

7:50-8:00 am

WYSCA Welcome & Opening Remarks - WySCA Co-Presidents, Amy Mason, MA & Kara Miller, MA 

8:00-8:45 am

Grade Level Collaboration

Elementary: Facilitated By Suzanne Scott

Middle School: Facilitated By Cristina Jensen

High School: Facilitated by Loyce Ellingrod 

K-12: Facilitated by Lisa Schuldies 

8:50-9:00 am

Welcome WAO President, Shannon Henshaw, Director of Enrollment Services, Gillette College

Breakout Sessions

9:00-9:45 am

Wyoming's Largest Untapped Talent Pool: Preparing Students with Disabilities for the Workforce

Jessica McCombs, MSW and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

Food Insecurity in Higher Education

Troy Archuleta, MPA

The Jason Flatt Act Amendment: The Push to Provide Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training to all Wyoming Students Grades 6-12

Dan Cossaboon, MA, Doctor of Psychology

Working with LGBTQ+ Youth

Brandy Edlund, MS LPC, & Lisa Finkey, JD

"Foolproof Approach to Embracing Challenges - A Dialogue"

Sara Axelson, EdD in Adult Learning, MPA

9:45-10:00 am

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

10:00-11:30 am

Building Resiliency in Students

Karen Griffith, PhD, LPC

Keynote sponsored by Gear Up

11:30am-12:30 pm

LIVE College Updates 

Updates from the WY community colleges and UW 

12:30-1:00 pm

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

Breakout Sessions 

1:00-1:45 pm

Programs of Study and You!

Dr. Michelle Aldrich, PhD

College and Career Readiness Using the ACT and ACT WorkKeys

Sean Corcoran, BS

Advising College Bound Student-Athletes

Anthony Gliffe, MS

Building Resiliency Activities and Strategies

Karen Griffith, Ph.D., LPC - Keynote Sponsored by Gear Up

Financial Aid for High Schoolers: Addressing Special Populations & Circumstances on the FAFSA

Kristin Young, MPA

1:45-2:00 pm

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

2:00-2:55 pm

DWS Apprenticeship/Internship Grants

Sharon Geissler, BS & Lukas Cramer, MPP

Youth Services at the Department of Workforce Services

Christina West, BA

Hathaway Scholarship Program

Bradley Barker, BA & Madison Lacey, BS

WAO Round Table 

Shannon Henshaw, WAO President

Working with At-Risk Students

Karen Griffith, Ph.D., LPC - Keynote Sponsored by Gear UP

3:00-4:00 pm 

WAO Meeting

4:00-4:30 pm

Exhibit Hall - Visit Sponsors and Partners of Education 

*You must attend both days to receive CEU and PTSB Credit

*Sessions will be available for CEU Credit after the conference

*You must attend on February 10th & 11th to receive PTSB Credit

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